Thursday, January 22, 2009

The difference between me and my husband

At times, Gerben and I are polar opposites. I tend to call him "anal!" Something I am definitely not. He likes to have his toilet paper hung a certain way, he lines up all his books alphabetically and then, I think, by release date on our shelves. It used to drive him crazy when our kids were babies and they used to mix up his books. He always hangs his shirts a certain way and can't handle too many wrinkles in his clothes. I have to admit that he has eased up since living with me.

I, on the other hand, am the furthest thing from anal and if he wants clean clothes then he can't really complain or they may not get washed. For a long time, I wouldn't even fold his shorts because he was so picky about the seams lining up. In my world, if the books are on the shelf neatly I could care less what order they are in. I don't care how the toilet paper is hung, as long as it's hung. And, as long as my clothes are clean, that's all that counts. Most things he has lightened up about, over the past 7 years of living with me. But the other day he just had to show me his sock drawer. He was so excited by this...

All I could do was roll my eyes. If this is his little piece of anal-retentiveness that he gets to maintain when I am around, I can live with it. he he he

Oh and it wouldn't be fair if I didn't show you my drawer for comparison, so here it is...

I just ball the socks up and pitch 'em in!

Recently, we redecorated out bedroom and the theme is mostly black, grey, white and red. Well, if you are a Twilight follower and lover as I am you will understand this, the covers for these books are a great match for my new bedroom scheme. Well, I decided to stack the books nicely on the fireplace in our room for decoration. They look so good there. Next thing I know, he has put the books on the bookshelf. Urg, the battle has begun. I will win, these books are definitely worth showcasing! Even though in his little anal world they belong on a bookshelf.

Don't they look pretty?


Jennifer said...

LOL. Love it. P.S. Our sock drawers look like yours. P.P.S. I have seen the books on the fireplace and they look fabulous. Sorry, Gerben!

Christy said...

Fabulous!! I love the comparison on the sock drawers!!

goodtexan said...

Gorgeous. Love the books in the right color.

Karen E. said...

Oh Shannon. Thanks for the chuckle of the day ;) Now I want to know if you selected the colours for your bedroom by the colours on the covers of your favourite books? ;) Look out Gerben. She is a McDougall ;)

Karen E. said...

I forgot to add, that I have to arrange Jack's sock drawer, or he would pick out navy socks to wear with black pants. Colour blind!

Amy Lightfoot said...

Thanks for brigtening up my day.I saw your blog on my phone as I was getting ready to leave the hospital!! Mum had a good laugh too!

Sarah C. (my4hens) said...

LOL I love that your twilight books coordinate with your new bedroom. I really realy want new black bedroom furniture! There is something so gorgeous about it. Great photo for today LOL! I Love the comparison and omg if Wes were that anal I would be in trouble. I hate to admit it but I am so far from neat freak I should be embarresed lmao!

Erika said...

LOL, your sock-drawer comparison is so funny! It is almost the same here to, only the opposite. I fold my laundry, and socks, nicely, and DH couldn't care less if they stayed in the out-of-the-dryer pile. :)