Friday, February 20, 2009

Naked Bakin'

First, I want to say, thanks to everyone for the wonderful comments that you all leave on my blog. They are awesome to read. Anyone who uses blogger may noticed that I haven't left any comments on their blogs lately and that is because for some reason I can't. I get to the part where I need to add the code and it won't actually give me the letters to type in. It just says "loading" I have no idea why but as soon as I get it figured out I will add comments. I promise I'm not neglecting anyone.

Now, onto my day. It's only 4:00 here and I have taken a ton of photos. I started out the day with a photo of my most favourite treats in the entire world. Mini Reese Peanut Butter Cups. Yummy. These were the last two in the pack and quickly eaten by me before the kids saw them.

Then I decided to snap a photo of Emma's lunch pail. Today is Friday, my favourite lunch making day of the week because it's hot lunch at school so I only have half as much to pack.

You have all heard me talk about the kids obsession with Mamma Mia. Well that has changed recently and this is out new obsession.

And here is Natalia watching it for the thousandth time this week.

There is only so much of this I can take before I need a break so I broke out the ingredients and we did some baking. Naked bakin' for Natalia!! I was fully clothed.

Of course, I had to let your enjoy the best part of baking. The pre-bake, taste test!

I also have 2 more photos to share. Just because they are cute and I love 'em.

Today is also the end of week 7 for me. So, here's my layout.


Andrea said...

MMMM Looks like two made my favourite cheesecake! Dylan is naked most of the time too. Its hard to get a picture of hi because half the time he won't leave in underwear either!

Sheri said...

Shannon, that's really strange about the whole comment thing. I hope you figure it out.

I love the pics from today, as I usually do! Natalia is such a little cutie and apparently quite the little naked baker...LOL

Jennifer said...

OMG those are cute! Natalia is hilarious. P.S. We still have two imaginary friends running around the house here. One named Emma and one named Natalia...

Paint the Moon Photography said...

Great photos of the kids cooking! Love the licking the mixer pics! So cute!