Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I've been tagged

Ok, ok, I guess I will do this. I have been tagged 3 times now so I guess I will do as I am told and complete this silly thing. Thanks to


Random facts about me

1. I took nursing in college, completed the the program and worked as an RN for a few years. Absolutely hated it! Unfortunetly, I now have no idea what I want to do with my life.

2. I love musical movies. This includes anything from Grease to Mary Poppins to High School Musical. I was more than happy to run out and buy HSM 3 for the girls yesterday, the day of it's release.

3. My husband was so sweet and bought me the blackberry. Unfortunetly, I hated it. Too frustrating and complicated for my taste. We sent it back and I am going to save up for the iphone. I love my ipod touch and my friends iphone is amazing. I would rather that then the blackberry. Much more user friendly.

4. I am allergic to dogs and cats. Everytime I go to a house with these animals I have to take allergy meds or I turn into an allergic mess. I have two cats but once they are gone we won't likely be getting anymore animals.

5. I would quite happily remove all the flowerbeds around my yard. I don't mind cutting the grass but when it comes to the flowerbeds, I'm not touching them. They are a pain in the butt and I have no idea the difference between a weed and a plant.

Alright, now who am I going to tag?


If I tagged you, just link back to my blog and then list 5 random things about yourself and feel free to tag some others.

1 comment:

Amy Lightfoot said...

The scary thing is I knew all of your random facts!
Especially because we met 13 years ago in Nursing school...I woke you up in boring lectures :)