Monday, September 17, 2007

Not a good day for Emma at School

I knew that everyday wasn't going to be a great day for Emma at school but it darn near broke my heart to see her so upset after only her second day at Kindergarten. I knew the minute I saw her after school that she wasn't her normal happy self. She was very quiet and didn't say much. I just assumed she was exhausted. Well, we weren't even out of the school yard and she was crying. She cried the entire way home and told me that she didn't want to go to school ever again. I guess the teacher made a comment that there was going to be "less playing" on Wednesday and that crushed Emma. I think that Emma probably took it out of context but because Emma is such a literal child she took it as meaning that they wouldn't be playing at all. The poor girl just kept crying and crying. She was so upset. She was also upset because she doesn't get to sit near Gracie at the tables and I think it really bugs her that she can't be near to her friend. There was nothing I could say or do to make her feel better. She told me that she wanted to stay home with me and not go to school anymore. I keep telling her that she has to go to school and that she would still get to play and see Gracie but it wasn't good enough.

I know she was exhausted and I am sure that's why she was so emotional but man, it's tough to pick up your little girl from school and have her just devistated. I plan to talk to her teacher on Wednesday and find out what was said so I can clarify with Emma but for now I think I am going to have to drag her to school on Wednesday because she has made it very clear that she doesn't want to go back, even to see Gracie.

If anyone who is reading this has any advise I would LOVE to hear it. It broke my heart to see her so upset and I didn't have a clue what to do about it.

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