Friday, September 7, 2007

Kindergarten is about to begin!

I am so happy that Emma seems excited to start kindergarten. We were so afraid that she would be super timid about the experience but so far it's going well. She met her teacher yesturday and that went very, very well. She confirmed with us that Emma is very smart for a child of her age. She will probably end up doing some SK work in order to keep her interested because at this point she actually already possesses many of the skills that she will need to graduate from SK. Lucky for us the class is a JK/SK spilt so it is no problem for her to do the SK stuff when needed. The teacher seemed so nice and really helped us with understanding what the routines and expectations of us there will be throughout the year. Emma officially starts her first day of school next Wednesday. I am sure she is going to love it.

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