Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Potty Training!

I don't know what I was thinking but while we were away we decided that it's about time we get Natalia toilet trained. She is so ready. She tells me when she goes, she is dry most of the day and she has a strong interest in using the potty. So out we went and let her choose her very own potty and underwear. She, of course, choose a Dora potty and princess underwear. As soon as we got home to the cottage she had a big poop on the potty and then nothing after that.

Starting Monday, I cut out the diapers all together except for naptime. For some reason she had a huge aversion to peeing on the potty but she went ballistic when she wet herself. She yelled at me that she doesn't wear underwear, she wears diapers. I was horrified that I had traumatized her but it was pretty funny too. Atleast we knew she didn't like being wet.

It's been a constant battle since. I am still sticking to the no diapers during that day and she continues to have accidents although she does have some success too. Finally today, she peed on my floor like 4 times in the space on about 2 hours and I lost it. I yelled at the poor kid and told her that we don't pee on mommy's floor. She was pretty upset but guess what...since then she has been great she has peed and pooped on the potty several times today with only one more mild accident. Thank God! I think we are finally getting somewhere!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, eventually you will get there. Good luck.