Sunday, March 9, 2008

Have you met my new nephews?

I have, and they are adorable little boys. Ethan and Owen were born on Valentine's Day and we couldn't be happier to have had them join our family. Emma is so Thrilled to have two little cousins. She thinks that Mommy needs to have two babies too. She keeps asking for it. But I am pretty certain that isn't going to happen!

This has just been a horrible week around this house. Each and every one of us has caught a nasty stomach bug! Nobody has been spared. Usually, I am lucky enough to boast that I have a stomach of steal and never puke but unfortunetly I didn't get so lucky this time. It all started with Gerben on Tuesday and we have each taken a turn since. I don't think I have ever done so much laundry in a week (especially in the middle of the night.) I feel like every time I turn around I need to wash someones bedding because it got puked on. It's just gross! I think we are finally on the mend. Emma had it most recently and as of today she is finally improving a bit although the fever is still bugging her. I am hoping by tomorrow she will be fine. I am dying to take the kids outside in the snow.

Since Friday we have been hammered with snow. In the seven years that I have lived in the Brantford area I have never seen so much of the white stuff. The snow banks on the side of our driveway are taller than me! It's crazy! Emma has been dying to go out in and play in but we just risk it with her cold and stomach bug. I promise to go outside tomorrow with the kids and take some photos. It's just amazing! I hope you guys in Australia are enjoying your balmy, summer, weather. Feel free to push some of it up our way.

Check in again tomorrow and I will be sure to post some photos for you all to see.

1 comment:

JessicaVahl said...

Your nephews are adorable!

Well, I don't mean to rub it in or anything but I got a sunburn today. A sunburn in March! I've been following the weather you've been getting from here and I have to say that I'm glad that I chose this year to move south. I hope everyone is feeling better soon!