The first day of school was filled with lots of nerves and tears. Emma was pretty nervous as her and I headed towards the school and waited to meet her new teacher Mrs. McCall. Emma just sat quietly beside me waiting but refused to talk to anyone. After she met up with a few friends she started to warm up and once she met her teacher and lined up to head into the school she had perked up completely. It turns out she is in a class of about 16 boys and 4 girls. I quess she will have her pick of the boyfriends in the future! he he he
When I went to pick her up at 3:20 she was all smiles. She had a fabulous day and is very excited to continue on with grade 1. She had lots to tell me and was so excited to have her very own desk to sit at and one of the highlights was being given an organizer to write all the important things in.
Natalia also started school today. We have decided to enroll her in a Montessori preschool program 3 mornings a week. As you know, we weren't expecting to have Emma in school full time already and I know that Natalia is going to miss her like crazy so we thought this would be a good way to keep Natalia socialized and busy. Gerben got to take Natalia this morning and all went well as they were heading out the door but once Natalia realized she wasn't able to go to work with Gerben she was pretty upset. I guess she was pretty clingy with him at school and there were some tears when he left but the teachers assured me that she settled quickly and had a great day. The teachers told me that Natalia is very independant and that is a great thing. They showed her how to do some of the activities and after shown she told the teachers to "Go away! I can do it myself!" That sure sounds like the Natalia I know.
I you want to see any of these photos larger all you have to do is click on them.